Monday 21 September 2015

Clean 9 Cleansing Programme Triallists

Hello All

As part of getting to grips with my new business, I am looking for some help with reviewing a few of my products. I would love it of you guys could help me.

Next week I am doing some research into my 9 day cleansing programme and I am looking for 5-10 people to trial it for me.

All I ask is for your genuine feedback either in the form of a before & after photo or testimonial that I can share on my page.

You can see some before and after pics that others have done while completing that programme.
I will be offering the programme at a VERY SPECIAL PRICE to those who wish to complete the trial.

This will include access to our private facebook group and my 1-1 daily support!!

This is not a quick fix but it will be a great motivation to continue losing weight, or a boost to start you off. It's for men and women who are wanting to look & feel amazing & have a long term healthier lifestyle.

I have heard from many people who have felt so much better after completing the programme.

Please tag your friends if you think they maybe interested.

Please use the contact form on my page, or message me on Facebook/Twitter if you are interested.

Thank You

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